XTo find musicians or bands, please select a talent

Find Band Members

Are you having a hard time finding band members? Finding people with the right musical taste or the right experience, and finding those musicians in your city is not easy. That is why we created Bandmaking.com! Rather than looking through classifieds for musicians wanted and musicians available, you can do a search for musician and band profiles online with the talent wanted or available. We are adding features to make it easy for you to find band members. You will also be able to find resources to make you successful as a musician. With the internet it should be easy to to promote your band and sell your music. At Bandmaking.com we are working to make that possible every day.

Contact Musicians and Bands for Free

As a member, you can contact musicians and bands for free. You can sign up and become a member for free. Please sign up now and create a musician or band profile. It only takes a few steps.

How to Find Band Members

Bands: select the talent your band needs and Bandmaking.com will find musicians with that talent. Musicians: select your talent from a list, and Bandmaking.com will find bands that need your talent.

Registered members will be able to search for bands or musicians based on city, age, musical interests, and more. You can also make it easier for others to find you. Sign up to become a registered member.

Find Dancers and Singers for My Dance Group, A Capella Group or other Artist Group

Bandmaking.com is not just for musicians and bands. You can also network with other artists and form dance groups or other artist groups.

Promote My Band

Bandmaking.com is coming up with new ways for you to promote your band. Become a member now to find out how you can attract more fans.

Singers Wanted, Drummers Wanted, Find Musicians/Artists in your city

Bandmaking.com Search

This website is designed to help bands find singers, drummers, guitarists, dancers, and others for your band or group. It also helps singers, drummers, and other individuals find a band or group to join. Looking for band members in Toronto or some other city? You came to the right place.

Bandmaking.com Account Holder Benefits

By registering for an account, you will be able to:

  • Access the member's area, where you can see more information
  • Promote your talent or promote your band and attract more fans
  • Contact the members that you find
  • Connect with members that share your musical and artistic interests
  • Take advantage of Bandmaking.com promotions and features

And the best part is, registration is free. Why don't you sign up today and see if Bandmaking.com is right for you?

Find Band Members, Find Musicians and Get Connected

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  1. You must be at least 13 years of age to sign up.
  2. Already have an account? Login or click login help.

Fan Account

  • find new bands and music
  • search for live shows in your area
  • create a profile
  • meet new people

Musician/Artist Account

  • Create a band profile and find band members
  • Find a band that needs your talent
  • Promote your talent
  • Promote your band
  • Connect with other musicians/artists
  • Invite more people to your shows
  • Also has the fan account features